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Showing posts from May, 2019

I like to be with you / me gusta estar contigo

I like to be with you. I enjoy the journey by your side. I like to share my time with you, not because I am filing the hours on the clock or because I have nothing else better to do. I don’t fear being alone, nor do I need you in my life. If you are in my life, it isn’t because I need to fill a void, an empty space, or to “complete me” or because I settled. NO! You are in my life by conscious choice!  ❤️ A choice made in love 😍 and in coherence with who I am become each day.  You are not in my life to make me happy, although I want to share happiness with you. I want to share love ❤️ with you, grow, and explore each opportunity given to us. I want to share moments for however long our relationship is based on love and not fear. Thank you for each opportunity to show the essence of who I am and who I become.  With  my heart and  my hand open, Thank you. ❤️ Me gusta estar contigo. Me gusta compartir el camino a tu lado. Me gusta compartir mi tiempo con...

El peso del mundo / the weight on your shoulders

Si en algún momento sientes que tienes el peso del mundo sobre ti, o si te sientes que “tienes” mucha carga, muchas responsabilidades, o te sientes que estás luchando contra la corriente para “sobrevivir”, toma un momento y respira ..... de nuevo respira profundo...... ahora considera esto: Tranquilo no tienes que hacerlo todo tu. Suelta la carga mental. En realidad en tu vida hay muchas cosas que contribuyen a tu existencia y que no haces tu. Por ejemplo,  tu estás aquí leyendo este blog  y mientras lo haces tu corazón late, segundo tras segundo tu corazón 💓 circula tu sangre sin que tú lo controles. Mientras sigues leyendo tus pulmones se llenan de aire, y ese oxygeno recorre tu cuerpo. Tu sistema inmune te sana minuto tras minuto y tu no te enteras de lo que está pasando. Cada día miles de células abnormales son destruidas por tu cuerpo. Tu no estás “haciendo” nada y sin embargo cada proceso en tu cuerpo se lleva acabo sin que tú conscientemente lo dirijas. Probablemen...

Compassion / compasión

When I think of compassion, (meaning to show kindness, understanding and caring) I usually don’t inlcude myself on the list. I see it more about me being compassionate towards others and not compassionate with my self. That concept seems to be foreign and why wouldn’t it be,  when it seems in our expectations of ourselves seemed unrealistic. We have long list of things that we HAVE to do in a timeframe of NOW in a PERFECT manner. We expect ourselves to get everything right the first time and often punish ourselves harshly when we make mistakes. Why is our tolerance with ourselves less that with others?  It shouldn’t be that way. All of us are doing the best that we can. We make our decisions based on our level consciousness, our past, our fears, and our desired outcome. At each given moment we act according to our believes at that instant thus if we don’t like the results of our actions and that brings feels of regret, we should remember that we acted based on what we knew a...

Good morning beautiful! Buenos días bella!

Ana Maria, Thank you for all the experiences. 🌎  Thank you for all the seeds that you planted 🌱 years ago. Thank you for following through in those hard times. Thank for not allowing fear to be your guide and trusting your ❤️. I am proud of you. Thank you for having the courage to do everything that you have done. Thank you. I love you, ❤️ Did you find it weird that I wrote to myself and expressed self love, or that I praised my self? If you didn’t find strange and you do it to your self, it’s awesome 👏!!!  If you thought it was crazy, then ask yourself the following: Why do you think is weird that a person shows self love? Why is it acceptable if I talked bad about me but strange if I talked well about me ? Are you nice to yourself? Is your inner dialogue  one of encouragement or one criticism? If it is great to be nice and show ❤️ love  to others, then would it not be just as great to be nice to ourselves and show ourselves ❤️ love? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ bue...

El autoengaño - self denial (English translation on the bottom)

Realmente estás aceptándo la situación? Si te pones a evaluar lo que vives, eres sincero contigo? O haz creado una explicación de la realidad  llena de excusas? Puede ser que no te des cuenta que  en tu mente creas explicaciones a tu comportamiento y a el de otros sin bases reales. Una especie de versión de la situación que aparentemente duele menos. El problema con esto es que no duele menos, por el contrario duele más por que no es real lo que está pasando. Aunque el instante sea incómodo, se honesto contigo. 1. El que quiere puede. No es más, deja las  excusas. Si tú quieres hacer algo, hazlo. Si no lo haces es por que  no quieres y ya. Si alguien no lo hace es igual.  No le inventes excusas o razones, si alguien quiere mostrarte afecto or amor, simplemente lo hace. Si recibes menos es por que eso te quieren dar. 2. Nadie está tan ocupado. Todos hacemos tiempo para lo que queremos. Si quiéremos llamar, llamamos. Si queremos ir, vamos. He visto como pers...