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Showing posts from September, 2019

It looks so easy!

but it is not! By looks it appears easy, but what you see today is the result of a myriad of actions.  It’s only a glimpse of a long journey. When you observe anyone doing something well, don’t think that it  was easy for them to do it. The same holds true when you see someone failing, it’s not that they are not trying or they didn’t prepare enough. Most of times, we see the glory and the achievements but before we can witness the success and the recognitions, each person has to overcome their own inner struggle: believing in themselves. Each person has to overcome different challenges, fears, disappointments, sleeps less nights and somehow each day find motivation to continue. No one can ever fully know the road a person took to be where they are at, because some of the  important steps did not leave foot prints. What we see in the outside is a result of what we don’t see in the inside. 


What if the purpose of any experience is to have an experience, instead of the events that where experienced? If the observer is present to observe, not to learn something, not to remember and not even to evolve but just witness the experience. As the observer awakes and becomes aware of Consciousness, the desire to identify with experiences,  becomes unnecessary. One can never not be who one is. One can pretend to be someone else,  but One is.


Muchas veces se nos olvida que los vacíos del ser no se llenan con tener. Llenamos nuestras vidas de cosas o personas, tratando de llenar nuestra vida mientras ignoramos  lo que realmente nos ocurre. Para darnos valor,  nos preocupamos más de hacer o tener, que simple SER.

Can you please help me?

For some people that phrase never comes out of their mouth. Maybe because of ego or pride or maybe because they feel less by receiving help.  For me, I just don’t think about asking for help. I am so used to doing everything that I automatically want to do everything.  It’s like a reflex.  It comes naturally. For example, today I found myself adjusting a crutch while a nurse did the other one. Even though I was feeling pain, I took a crutch  and began to adjust it. There was no need for me to help. Quite the opposite this was a situation where I needed help and yet there I was standing on one foot  while unscrewing the crutch.  When I realized what I was doing,  I  let the nurse finish.  This brings me to think, how many times help is right next to me and yet I insist of doing it myself, even if it is hard for me.... 🤔

Hasta cuando?

Tu decides! Si es hoy o es mañana, tú eliges cuando... Tu eliges cuando te vas a respetar. Tu eliges cuando vas a valorar tu tiempo. Tu eliges cuando vas a cuidar tu cuerpo. Tu eliges cuando vas a parar de dedicar tu tiempo a personas que en vez de llenar tu alma la vacían. Tu eliges cuando paran los insultos y las agresiones. Tu eliges si escuchas una palabra más. Solo tu puedes elegir ser honesta contigo y dejar las excusas. Lo que es, es. No hace falta dar excusas y si no es, acéptalo. Tu decides si quieres continuar siendo la víctima. Tu tienes la fuerza  para decir “no más”. Tu puedes parar!! ya! Cada instante tu decides cual va ser tu historia. Y cada instante te ofrece la oportunidad de elegir cambiarla.  ❤️ Tu eliges hasta cuando continuará esta situación! Con amor y sin juzgarte, te recuerdo que tu eliges cuando... vas a amarte.