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Showing posts from January, 2020

The real battle

Most of us love victory. We aim to win, conquer and overcome. But which battles give us a real victory? For example, if you win an argument, let’s say that you know some information which makes you right or you are able to show your force upon another person and in turn they give up, is this a real victory? Maybe you have an idea of the “correct” outcome and you argue, fight, and convince another person until they agree and in turn they let you have your desired outcome. My question to you is, is this really a victory ? Is a show of force upon another really wining ? What if those battles with other people are only a reflection of the real battle. The one you have with yourself. If there is one battle in which a victory is more meaningful is one in which you triumph over your inner struggles, a true victory is one in which your fears fuel your drive. A true victory is one where you believe in yourself when one else does. A true victory is one where you love without expectation. ...

Si para ser amado tienes que ser otro, busca otro

si para que te amen tienes que dejar de ser, busca otro ser. Busca alguien con el que seas tu. Busca alguien con el que evoluciones. Busca alguien al que mires y te sientas en casa. Busca alguien que no te quiera cambiar, alguien que vea el Milagro que eres, alguien que sienta tu grandeza, alguien que honre tu presencia. Busca alguien con quien no tengas que limitarte, con quien no tengas que esconder tu ser... con quien tu pasado no sea un peso si no una bendición. Alguien que entienda que gracias a tu pasado hoy eres ese maravilloso Ser. Alguien con el que no tienes que inventar excusas. Alguien al que el ver tu sonrisa se le ilumine el día. Y cuando la encuentres, Decide quedarte con  alguien que vea tu brillo aún cuando estes en tu punto más oscuro. Decide quedarte con alguien que ame todo tu ser y mientras lo haga, te deje SER. Decide quedarte con alguien que quiera descubrir cada faceta de ti, que te haga explorarte, que te empuje a que seas la mejor versión de ti....


On the other side of fear there are infinite possibilities. Fear serves us as a great teacher.  Probably one of the hardest teachers to master. Fear is a thief, that if we are not aware it can steal from us our dreams, our goals, our peace and our joy. Fear can blind, block and paralyze, preventing us from taking action, deciding, loving and being. Once we overcome it, we bring out our brightness. In fear we walk along the shadows and as we conquer it, we step into our light. We step into our true power. It takes faith. It takes courage. It takes determination to challenge yourself and to let go of fear. It takes boldness and an open heart to lead the path. But if you must fear, then don’t fear failure, fear not trying. Don’t fear being hurt, fear not loving. Don’t fear rejection, fear not being kind. Don’t fear being inadequate,  fear not being grateful. Don’t fear abandonment,  fear not being you. Don’t fear death, fear not living. Live and to really do ...