These days are very different from others that we have lived, and many people are experiencing a lot stress.
Everyone seems to be talking about the same thing, which I will not.
Everyone seems to be talking about the same thing, which I will not.
However, two things have come out, our vulnerability and the need to act in unison to protect others.
Since there is so much going on outside of us, it might hard to focus on the inside.
Regardless of how much one wants to be just centered, these days are quite a handful.
We have been used to moving as such rapid speed that to come to a stand still seems like caos. But it is not. A stand still is a pause. It's a moment to think, to observe and to connect deeper.
So what can we do?
Take one step at a time. One breath, one day and moment a time. Try to see the beauty hidden amongst the caos. Knowing that there is always something beautiful happening, it is just a matter of focus.
So what can we do?
Take one step at a time. One breath, one day and moment a time. Try to see the beauty hidden amongst the caos. Knowing that there is always something beautiful happening, it is just a matter of focus.
In life there are times that plan our dreams and other times that we built them. There are times that we see things we built fall and others when we see them grow. Not at times are the same. Sometimes we have the strength to do a lot and other times we don't.
If life was an river, sometimes we swim upstream and others times the current takes us where we want to go. Many times however we just need to float instead of wearing ourselves out.
Maybe this time is one of them, maybe we just need to float.
Maybe this time is one of them, maybe we just need to float.
Just hold on and trust that everything is as it should be.
Trust that we are not seeing the complete picture, so we can't assume that we know what is best for us.
While we float, we can enjoy the ride, enjoy the pause and create new dreams that will build when the storm passes.