Maybe it’s only a few things.
1. more love, less thought. Love. Live from your heart. Act from your heart. Love intensely without attachment. Let love run through every aspect of your life. Let love in on every breath you take, and out on every step you walk, on every word you say and on every act to you do. Love in and love out.
2. More presence. Be where you are both physically and mentally. Be fully aware of your experience, your feelings, your thoughts and the people your share with. Make your actions, your words and thoughts be in synchronicity, so that you act with kindness towards yourself and others. Let the past go and embrace the present.
3. Share. Share your love, your talents, your resources, your time and your knowledge. We all grow more when we share. Having more things doesn’t create fulfillment, giving more does. Fulfillment is not things, it is about moments. Take care of the planet. We are one with it.
4. More compassion, less judgment. You cannot judge someone’s actions unless you are walking on their shoes. From the outside other people’s life might look easy to resolve but their hardships are simple because you don’t live them. Be humble. Each one of us has a different journey.
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