Sometimes we might find ourselves in such a bad situation that we might think that we have nothing to give, but that is not true at all.
We always have something to give. It doesn’t matter the situation that we are involved in, or how bad we feel, we can find something to give or something to share.
Our most valuable gifts are love and time.
When we give unconditional love all barriers and fears dissolve. When in doubt, give love to you and others.
When we share our time, we honor the present moment and the existence of the other person. We share our most valuable finite resource. Time, we are constantly giving our time, so it is important to do it consciously.
We also can give our shoulder for someone to cry on or we hold someone’s hand so they are not alone.
We can give our silence and our attention.
We can give the light in our eyes as it shines when we smile.
We can share our resources and we can share our talents.
If you still feel that you have nothing to give, Give Thanks.
Because by giving we feel our wholeness.