To everyone that has come into my life:
I am sorry that I have judged you.
I am sorry that I measured you against a set of expectations that you didn’t even know about and that you were surely guaranteed not to be able to meet.
I am sorry that instead of discovering who you are, I was busy finding who you are not.
I am sorry that instead of accepting and embracing your uniqueness, I focused on wanting to change you.
I am sorry that instead of being understanding and having compassion for your feelings, I sought out to prove my self worth by making you feel small.
I sorry that I lost sight of what really matters and instead of loving unconditionally, I conditioned my love on you acting how I wanted you to act.
I am sorry for hiding my fears underneath anger. I am sorry for blaming you instead of taking responsibility for my circumstances.
I am sorry that I didn’t apologize sooner and thought that it was a sign of weakness to admit that I didn’t really see YOU but saw my own made up version of you.
While this message is not for any one person, it is for everyone. We often avoid apologizing and taking responsibility for actions because we have a false sense that we need to be perfect to be loved. This cannot be further from the truth. Owning our shortcomings and our mistakes will allows us to love and be loved on a deeper level.
We don’t need to be perfect. We need to be Present and honest with ourselves to accept with an open heart the person that is standing across from us. Then maybe for first time, we can look into their eyes and really SEE them.