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Showing posts from 2021

It’s ok

we probably need to talk about failure and our mistakes a lot more often that we do. not in attempt to look for pity or help, but just so we all realize that everyone, really everyone is going through something.  now days that social media and marketing companies want us to thinking that everybody else's life is perfect but our own, it is a good reminder to realize that other people and their life is not as perfect as it looks. we all are going through something. we all make mistakes. we all fail more often that we like to admit. we forget things. we suck at times. we loose our patience. we are hurtful. we lie or make up stuff to look better.  and you know what? that it is ok . there is nothing wrong with us. We are all doing our best, even when our actions don’t reflect that. Most of our actions grow out from our past pain. They are a reflection of what we have healed and what we have yet to. So we can take responsibility, apologize and continue.  Knowing that.. take a ...


 I used to live by strongly by goals and to-do list. I love them! I was that person that added things to the to-do list after I finished something just to cross it out. It felt good. I felt accomplished. I felt valuable. I felt that I needed to constantly be doing something and that was the trap. I had defined part the worth of my existence measured by productivity. Not only was the measurement tool damaging to myself worth, it had no end. I know I wasn’t the only one. Everyday we are bombarded with productivity tools and demands. We are supposed to be doing something, otherwise we become invisible.  It seems as if we are racing again each other to be the busiest and that is absurd.  There is no merit in losing the present moment by filing our time with meaningless task. We might be busy but lack presence.  While I still have a list of goals and activities to give myself direction, the attainment of it does not define my experience. 

Pedir ayuda

No es la primera vez que escribo de este tema. La otra vez lo hice desde otra perspectiva, relataba una anécdota mía en la cual me fue difícil aceptar ayuda. Ese el tema que quiero hablar, Pedir Ayuda. Parece que a todos se nos olvidó la lección aprendida desde kínder, que decía que es mas fácil trabajar en equipo. Es un gran error que nos de miedo pedir ayuda, por que mostramos que somos vulnerables. Nos sentimos inferiores cuando pedimos ayuda, como si en algún lugar se nos metió en la cabeza que todo nos tocaba hacerlo solos. Es como si pensáramos que somos débiles por pedir que nos ayuden. Se que esto no le pasa a todo el mundo, pero para los que nos pasa es un problema serio, por que nos hacemos la vida mucho mas difícil de lo que realmente puede ser.  Es como si quisiéramos hacer el camino mas duro, solo para decir que lo hicimos solos. Que tontería! Si al final, el camino y las cargas en compañía se llevan más ligero. Es más fácil, llevar una carga entre varios, que llevara ...


 Why are we so afraid of conflict that we rather “ghost” someone instead of telling them how we feel? We are getting so used to talking through text and sharing through text, that we have learned to avoid feeling awkward and would rather disappear instead of communicating our feelings.  We have become so afraid of telling someone that we don’t want to be with them, that we rather block or delete them from our phone without letting them know.   I have fallen on this path myself. I have stopped answering texts or calls and have not explained why. Which is the reason that I write this post. As I look back at the times that I have ghosted someone, I realized that while is it’s easier for me, it is not who I want to be. Although it might be uncomfortable to express our feelings, we owe it to ourselves to do so and at the same time,  honor the other person. It might create temporary uncomfortable situation, however, it is better to be uncomfortable for little bit than runn...


 In an attempt to safeguard ourselves, we miss on opportunities to connect and to expand. The need to avoid pain or uncomfortable feelings creates a boundary that while it might helps us to feel protected, it also limits our experience.  We all like to feel safe. We all want to certain degree to certainty. However, if we stay within our glass walls, we might be able to see the water but it is a completely different experience to submerge yourself in it. . 


❤️ I Love . I live. ❤️ Thank you. I trust. I see. I smile. I listen. I speak. I experience. I Feel. I acknowledge. I accept.  I change. I transcend.  I love. I am present. I am grateful. I am loving. I am aware. I am ever changing. I am.


And suddenly You realized that you don’t have to worry about other people hurting you.  That you don’t have to worry about pleasing others. That you don’t have to be afraid about opening up.  Because you know than you can trust yourself. Because you have learned to love yourself. You now know your worth.  You now know your power.  You speak your truth.  And you open your heart widely.  ❤️🧡💜💙💚

Is Better that is done than perfect

Many times we don’t start something because we think it is not the right time, or we don’t have enough skills or tools, or we don’t feel that we can do it. We make excuses to try avoid what we call failure. But when things don’t work out as planned is not failure, there is something that is gained either in knowledge or experience.  Striving for perfection becomes our limitation when it blocks us from taking the steps to pursue our goals. Stop 🛑 it!  It doesn’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to have all the skills or all tools. It just has to get started. Get it done. Start with what ever you have. Yes, this can mean half ass it. Just do the best you can now. If its sucks, it’s ok.  The first draft does not perfect.  Start and finish now.  Get it done. ✅ Get the courage to expose yourself.  Get the courage to do it instead of dream! Let your heart feel what it has been longing to feel 🧡❤️💙💜💚 This post was revised maybe 12 months later because I...


Often times when we do something, we want to see the results now. As we work hard on ourselves and our affairs, and we want the reassurance that we are on the right path. We grow inpatient when we don’t see purpose, or the end in sight. But life does not flow on a straight line. Point A might not always be followed by point B or C.  Events happen and while they appear random,  when we look back at all the steps then everything makes comes together.  Life often pushes us to our limits and every time we decide to open up, we learn more about ourselves and as a result we are exposed to the possibility of opening our heart more. As we trust the process we realize that everything is happening for us and not against us. Even the hardest paths... are for us. As I write today, I humbled by life. I am grateful beyond words. I am thankful for every single soul that has ever cross my path. All my love to those people that have accompanied me and to those people that were brief encou...


Yo también he sentido miedo.  Al igual que tu, he sentido miedo a que me hagan daño. He sentido miedo que me rechacen. He siento  miedo que me abandonen. He sentido miedo a no ser suficiente, a fracasar, a ser juzgada, a perder el control, al cambio ... entre muchos otros y también a no ser amado. Aunque  he sentido todos estos miedos, no hacen que no siga abriendo mi corazón.  Cada día elegimos lo que queremos dar y lo aceptamos recibir. Cada instante elegimos como reaccionar, que significado dar a cada evento y que hacer. Podemos ser prisioneros del miedo o podemos elegir actuar. Podemos aprender del miedo, afrontarlo y que este moldee nuestro ser.  No te digo que no tengas miedo. Tenlo... Si está en ti, está. Siéntelo. Sin embargo no dejes que te atrape. No seas su prisionero.  Si quieres hacer algo y tienes miedo, hazlo con miedo, pero no dejes de hacerlo. Cada vez que puedas abre tu corazón ♥️.  

Todas las respuestas

Quien te dijo que tenías que tener todas las respuestas?   Quien te dijo que equivocarte era malo? Donde aprendiste que solo hay un camino o qué hay una forma perfecta de hacerlas cosas?  Por que crees que mostrar tu vulnerabilidad te hace débil ?   El querer ser perfecto crees que es tu virtud pero en realidad es tu limitación !  Por que crees que equivocarse es ser débil? Cuando sueltes ese estándar irreal de querer ser,  podrás experimentar el ser que cada día evolucionas a crear.  No se trata de tener todas las respuestas. Mientras vivimos salen nuevas preguntas y encontrarnos distintas respuestas a las mismas preguntas. Lo que hoy es verdad mañana puede que no sea.   No se trata de ser como los demás, ni copiar lo que son. Lo contrario, la belleza está es en descubrir y crear quién eres.  Tu Luz y tu ser son únicos. Deleita al mundo con tu esplendor. 


Just because other people’s situation seems worst than yours, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t allowed to feel your pain. Just because your struggles are not as harsh as other people’s, it doesn’t mean that you cannot have them.  Just because it was worst before, it doesn’t mean than nothing is going on. Sure, comparing our situation puts things in perspective and helps us to look at the bigger picture. It also allows us to help others. However, whether your struggle is small or even a creation of your mind,  it is still there and it has to be acknowledged.  Ever had a small rock inside your shoe?  Same principle applies. Yes, you can still walk and it’s not extremely painful, but if you leave it long enough it will puncture your skin cause more pain.   Minimizing your worries, doubts, fears and pain does not make them go away. On the contrary, by invalidating your feelings you become resentful. The more you repress and hide, the deeper the hole inside you become...


We are often waiting for the right moment.... for the perfect time. We want to wait until we have all the tools and we have the right skills. We wait until we have the right words or the right feeling.  We think,  we search, we ponder, we pace, we doubt, we talk, we dream, and then finally  we do it.  We waited long before we acted only to realize that there was nothing to fear. 


 Our most valuable resource is time and yet it is often the most undervalued. We exchange our time for money knowing that we can’t buy back time.  Although we are aware of our mortality, most of us live oblivious to that fact.  Only when death knocks close to home, we remember that our time in this body has an exit date. Death is a powerful motivator to help us keep things in perspective. What we think matters today, means nothing when we face our mortality.  We often spend our days worrying about things that are meaningless. Most of those things exist only in our head. We create our stress and our problems by choosing the meaning that we give to events in our lives. We spend so much time searching for what we are supposedly missing, that we overlook  what we already have. We are so enter-twined with our routine that we often miss the really important moments. We should not be afraid of dying, but be afraid of not living.  Each breath we take is an affirmat...

unir y soltar

 Mientras muchos hablan de soltar y dejar ir, me pegunto si sabemos sostener. Me pregunto si sabemos cómo unir para crear. Será que en realidad sabemos manejar el balance entre cuando soltar y cuando unir?  Será que sabemos construir sin perder la autonomía o la libertad?  Por un lado, a veces queremos amarrar y aferrarnos a alguien, queremos estar tan cerca que asfixiamos.  Es como si quisiéramos  agarrar agua con las manos y entre más apretamos menos agua quedan en nuestras manos.  El polo opuesto es dejar “fluir”, donde no agarramos nada y todo pasa.  Tenemos las manos en el agua pero no podemos arreglarla.  El problema no es lo difícil que es soltar, soltar se vuelve difícil cuando la razón que queremos sostener es para llenar nuestros vacíos.  Le cambiamos el significado a la palabra relación y la reemplazamos con posesión.   Lo mismo pasa con sostener, no es que sea más difícil, el problema ocurre cuando  parar sostener olvida...

Ama sin dejar de amarte

El problema no es que diste mucho, es que el proceso de dar te olvidaste de amarte.  Mientras dabas tu tiempo, se te olvidó darte tiempo a ti. Se te olvidó mirarte a ti. Estabas tan sumergida en dar que no te diste cuenta de lo poco que recibías. No te diste cuenta que tu buscabas sin que te buscaran, llamabas sin que te llamaran, tu creabas la conversación, creabas el interés, te hacías necesaria para crear conexión y en realidad lo que había era apenas interés. Creabas los espacios donde la otra persona solo tenía que aparecer, tu creación era tan completa que obviabas que solo era tuya. Cómo era de esperar mientras más dabas más vacía te quedabas.  Mientras dabas tu corazón, se te olvidó cuidar el tuyo. Se te olvidó que para amar a otro no toca dejar de amarse. No es necesario dejar de ser.  Mientras que trabas de construir construías algo, se te olvidó que no era tu responsabilidad de hacerlo sola.  Querías que todo funcionara tanto que no te diste cuenta que era...